(2019 version) Excluding self-citation in Google Scholar
When you search “Excluding self-citation in Google Scholar” on Google, the first item is [By Brinxmat]. But unfortunately it does not work anymore, at least for me.
However, it gives me some insights and then I fiddling with Google Scholar a little bit. Now we have an easy solution.
This is the original citation link of one of my paper:
This link actually works:
As you see, the trick is still on the query except that it has been much more complicated than what Brinxmat found in 2010.
So, the manual solution is to:
Open your google scholar profile.
Click the cited by link for one paper, and figure out the
cites ID
in the address bar. Like the number string17562392294963478550
in https://scholar.google.com/scholar?oi=bibs&hl=en&cites=17562392294963478550. -
Paste the ID in the following link
%22&btnG=and replace the author name
by your name, keep the plus sign. -
A little explanation:
- After opening a cited by link, you will see a checkbox saying “Search within citing articles”, then check the box.
- Then put
-author:"H Peng"
in the search box, then press Enter.
(It is a short hyphen there, not dash. Pay attention to your input method.) - Then the above link address shows up.